Get the Confident Closing D.O.S.E. Formula Today!

Discover the Best Kept Secrets to Connect, Convey, and Close The Deal... Without Prodding, Pleading, Convincing or Coercing

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DON'T FORGET, You're Also Getting These:

Bonus #1: Right Brain Persuasion Prescription

You will get access to a 5-figure day, 6-figure month, live sales call recording where you can witness the art of sales in motion in navigating a sales call. Great for right-brained people who appreciate artistry in real-world application.

Bonus #2: Left Brain Confidence Code

You will get my conversation codex so you can immediately model and deploy what works based on a proven and tested structure. Perfect for left-brained people who crave structure while learning to navigate the principles.

 Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.

 Money-Back Guaranteed

Implement 100% of the Confident Closing D.O.S.E. Formula for the year and if you don't make back your investment, receive a full refund. You must fully implement the Confident Closing D.O.S.E. Formula on at least 100 qualified calls and submit proof of action in order to activate this money back guarantee.

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